Competition Pistol
Course Description: This course is intended for handgun shooters who are active competitors or interested in any of the action handgunning sports, including USPSA, IPSC, IDPA, pin shoots, Steel Challenge, Glock Shooting Sports Foundation, and NRA Action Pistol.
This course is part of our 40 hour Defensive Pistol Skills Program.
Topics: sport specific skill development, training tips, mental training, and plenty of live fire exercises simulating events in various pistol sports.
Length: six hours
For prices and upcoming course dates, check the schedule page.
Prerequisites: Required: previous handgun shooting experience, or Basic Pistol 2 or equivalent. Preferred: Beyond the Basics or equivalent and/or previous competition experience.
Required Equipment: a handgun and 300 rounds of ammunition, a belt holster, eye and ear protection. Two or more speedloaders or spare magazines (bring more if you have them) and belt carriers for the spare loaders. Single-shot handguns in rifle calibers and handguns in .44 magnum or larger calibers cannot be used for this course. We have loaner holsters, magazines, speedloaders and belt carriers available for many makes and models. These are available at no charge but arrangements must be made prior to class day.
Optional Equipment: See the general policies page for suggestions on food, drink, clothing, etc.
Taught by: Karl Rehn and/or Penny Riggs with assistants
Facility: A-Zone Range
Scheduled: 1-2 times per year
Additional information: