KR Training Range Etiquette Guide
Here are the gun handling rules we expect you to follow when attending KR Training classes. Please read them carefully.
Three Fundamental Rules of Gun Safety
1) Always keep the muzzle pointed in the safest available direction.
On the firing line,, the safest direction is into the designated backstop.
2) Always keep your finger off the trigger until ready to shoot.
ONLY put your finger on the trigger when you have a specific target and have the gun aimed at it.
At all other times your finger should be OFF the trigger.
3) Always keep the gun unloaded until ready to use.
See notes below.
In the Parking Lot Before Class
If you have a concealed handgun license:
If you are wearing your concealed handgun when you arrive, leave it on and leave it alone. Do NOT handle your gun anywhere on the facility unless directed to do so by an instructor.
If you were not wearing your carry gun when you drove through our front gate, do NOT put it on and load it in the parking area.
Put it in a case or bag or in your holster and bring it to the classroom unloaded.
If you do NOT have a concealed handgun license:
You should arrive with your guns unloaded, stored in a case or a bag.
"Unloaded" means no ammunition anywhere in the gun. Magazine out, chamber empty, hammer down.
Do NOT carry a gun uncased from the parking lot to the classroom or range.
Do NOT handle your gun anywhere on the facility unless directed to do so by an instructor.
In the Classroom
Do NOT handle your guns in the classroom unless directed to do by an instructor.
In the Ready Area
ONLY uncase or unbag your gun when you are at the designated table or directed to do so by an instructor.
Do NOT take your handgun out of the holster once you leave the
uncase/unbagging tables.
On the Range
The ONLY places you may handle your firearm are the firing line and the designated fumble area.
Do NOT handle your firearm while an instructor is in front of the firing line.
Do NOT handle your firearm while walking back and forth between the ready area and firing line.
More examples of common unsafe gunhandling practices are in this article we wrote for Concealed Carry magazine.
Violations of these range rules will result in warnings, immediate correction of the violation, and depending on the severity of the violation, ejection from the firing line, the class, and/or the facility.
For additional knowledge about general range safety procedures applicable to commercial shooting ranges, click here.