Pepper Spray Essentials
Please note: You will NOT be sprayed with pepper spray in this course.
Course Description: There are times where you need something more than a forceful word but something less than lethal force to stop a threat. More self defense experts are regularly carrying pepper spray (OC) as part of their self defense plan. For those who are not inclined to carry a firearm or work in environments where it’s not permissible, OC spray should be a part of their plan. Those who regularly carry a firearm should also learn to use this valuable tool to avoid potential harm. Come learn what sprays work best and how to use them. You will get an opportunity to use inert (no OC) training canisters as part of the class.
Topics: Legal issues concerning the use of force; recommendations on formulation, brand and model of OC delivery devices; practical exercises in the use of OC spray
Length: one hour
For prices and upcoming course dates, check the schedule page.
Prerequisites: None
Required Equipment: None
Optional Equipment: See the general policies page for suggestions on food, drink, clothing, etc.
Taught by: Paul Martin
Facility: A-Zone Range